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Business Training and English Language Course in India


Business Training and English Language Course in India

With a 4 weeks training course, brush up your English skills and simultaneously gain business experience in India which is the world's largest market.

Get accustomed to life in India, the future world's largest economy, brush up your English skills at a language school in India, do the missions (tasks) given by the local companies, do a lot of field work and learn the Indian way of thinking from a close range. This will definitely give you a very valuable experience of working in India using English language.

The skills that the trainees will attain at the end of this course are as given below.

  • The trainees may not become very fluent in English, but will be able to express his opinion in English confidently.
  • They will gain the confidence to work anywhere in the world.
  • In situations where the things are not in your hands, instead of getting stressed out, they will try to find alternative solutions.

Why India ? (Merits of India)

By 2020, India, the world's largest democracy, will also be the world's most populous country even surpassing China.

Since India is the world's largest market (Consumers and working population also no. 1), all the world wide companies are focusing on India.

GDP ranking 3rd in the world

According to the World Bank report, India's GDP per capita in PPP basis has even surpassed Japan and India is now ranking no. 3.

India has world's largest English speaking population.

Most of the people in India speak English which is the common language of communication in business world.

Very tough environment since the common sense in India is very different from that in Japan.

If you are successful working in India, you can be successful at work anywhere in the world.

About Bangalore, the city where the trainings are held:

A city that is the political and economic center of South India.

Capital of Karnataka, a south Indian state. With a population of 10 million, Bangalore ranks 3rd most populous city in India and is the political and economical center of South India along with Chennai.

Many of the world's major IT companies are located in Bangalore.

People who have worked in the Silicon Valley in the US, have launched IT companies in Bangalore (Wipro 1980, Infosys 1981)

Within India, Bangalore is a city the most easy to live in.

In the south Asia, it is among the few cities with a moderate climate throughout the year, being 920m above the sea level. Bangalore is full of greenary and is called the Garden City of India. Being generally peaceful and safe, Bangalore is the city most convenient to live in.

More than 200 comapnies are based in Bangalore.

In the automotive industry, Toyota has opened a factory in Bangalore. About 250 Japanese companies have their foothold in Bangalore and many more Japanese companies have turned their focus to Bangalore.

Example Schedule of a 4 week training program

Example Schedule of a 4 week training program

Training Fees and Dates

Participation Fee: 400,000 Yen/person

Registration Requirements: Minimum 1 person from a company

※ Course fees include

Orientation, language school fees for 4 weeks (20 hours/week) Textbooks, Language school registration fees, Mission based OJT, local support

※ Course fees do not include

Air fare to and from the training destination (approximately 100,000 Yen), accomodation expense (Approximately 50,000 Yen to 120,000 Yen per person), overseas travel insurance cost, local travel expense, food and other individual expenses.

Training Dates

28th July 2015, 25th August 2015, 23rd September 2015, 26th October 2015, 26th November 2015.

Spice Academy Bangalore accepts students for 4 week courses.
The training will be co-ordinated according to the language school schedule. The trainees can arrive 1 or 2 days before the start of the language course.

Please feel free to contact us for further details

MISSION: GLOBAL Brochure G-Ship Brochure
Enquiry about Overseas Training Program

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>Want to know more about the past examples of the overseas training programs
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Overseas Training Programs : Examples

Recently many Japanese companies are working on globalization. We support such companies to develop talent that can be deployed overseas in case of urgent assignments, and also to develop global talent that can work successfully in emerging countries.