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Overseas Trainings (Global Talent Development)

Our Clients for MISSION: GLOBAL

List of some of our major clients

Apart from MISSION: GLOBAL training program, this client list also includes the clients of our MISSION GLOBAL Buddy training program and training programs done jointly with JIN-G.

Participating Companies and Participants Data

Total Number of Client Companies 49 Total Number of Participants 551(* Correct till January 2016)
Based on Industry
  • Service Industry
  • Automobiles, Machinery, Ship building
  • Materials, Chemicals
  • Media, Advertising
  • Food Industry
  • Distribution/retail
  • Construction, Real Estate
  • IT
  • Eclectrical, Precision instruments, Communication
  • Banking and Finance
  • Others
  • Transport
  • Energy
Based on Occupation
  • Sales
  • Research and Development
  • Administration and Planning
  • Others
  • Technology (IT)
  • Technology

Based on Gender
  • Male
  • Female
Based on Age
  • 20 - 24
  • 25 - 29
  • 30 - 34
  • 35 -39
  • 40 - 44
  • 45 - 49

Result of the survey done with the participants

Rank the top 3 skills instilled in you due to our training

Confidence and desire to adapt and work anywhere in the world

Proactive Approach and Pragmatism

Flexibility to handle any kind of situation
Client-first mindset

Would you volunteer to go if there is an opportunity to work overseas in the near future?

  • Yes immediately
  • I will think about it in a positively
  • I would first like to gain more experience in Japan and then think about going overseas
  • No I will not opt for such an opportunity

Learnings from the Training, Transformation and Things put in practice after going back to Japan

  • Think about how something can be made possible, rather than thinking why something is not possible.
  • Learnt that it is very important to get into action rather than just thinking about the plan in detail.
  • If you think about what exactly is being asked of you, it becomes easier to take action accordingly.
  • I realised that still there are many things that I can do.
  • I became confident about myself and I broadened the scope of my work willingly and with a positive attitude.
  • While working, I made it a point to think about the client's expectations. (...) I started to think about, who are the stakeholders, whose initiative is it and also started delegatinng proper work to my subordinates.
  • Things that felt impossible were not so difficult when I actually tried working on them. I also understood the importance of teamwork.
  • I learnt that even though I could not accomplish some tasks, it was very important to reflect on what went wrong and that can help you become successful in your next task.
  • Learnt how to arrange the tasks for better time management.
  • My resistance to interact with foreigners vanished altogether. I always thought that if I cannot speak grammatically perfect English I will not be able to communicate well. But I was wrong. It is more imprtant to be able to communicate using whatever way possible rather than wait for the perfect English word.
  • I started making conscious efforts to convey the information easy for the listener to understand.
  • I realised that I had some kind of reluctance about using English. I realised that working overseas is not so rare. It is quite common these days. I experienced that language is a very important tool in the process of communication with people.
  • I realised the importance of data, content and presentation skills in order to convince the audience.

Please feel free to contact us for further details

MISSION: GLOBAL Brochure G-Ship Brochure
Enquiry about Overseas Training Program

>Looking for a training program suitable for your company's global talent development program
>Want to know more about the past examples of the overseas training programs
>Want to develop an effective strategy for global resource development
To know more, please contact us.


Since the difficulty level and content of work is different for young employees and management level employees, we can change the missions given during the MG Training programs according to the level of the trainees.


English Level: No specific requirement
Acquire ability to be able to work anywhere in the world.
Age range: Mid 20's to mid 30's

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Required English Skills: Daily Conversation level and above
Gain the experience of working successfully with people from other countries.
Target Age Group: 30 - 40 years and above

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Overseas Training Programs : Examples

Recently many Japanese companies are working on globalization. We support such companies to develop talent that can be deployed overseas in case of urgent assignments, and also to develop global talent that can work successfully in emerging countries.